
The ENHANCE-D Study – ENHANCing smoking cEssation interventions in Dentistry

Intervention Behavioural change (patients) - 1. Very Brief Advice on Smoking 2. Single-visit smoking cessation behavioural intervention plus offer of 3 month course of combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy 3. Single-visit smoking cessation behavioural intervention plus offer of e-cigarette starter kit
Number of sites 56
Countries involved England, Scotland
Sample size 1460
Type of statistical analyses
Risk of bias Overall: Low Risk details
Duration of trial 12 months
Primary outcome Continuous biochemically verified smoking abstinence at 6 months.
Show Score Ranges


(shows median if more than one score was entered)

Elig. Recr. Setting Org. Int. Flex. Del. Flex. Adherence Follow-Up Prim. Out. Prim. An.
5 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5