

Cochrane systematic review for first line treatment for hypertension

Journal Ref. Eriksson S, Olofsson BO, P.O. W, group ftTs: Atenolol for secondary prevention after stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 1995, 5:21-25.
Intervention Drug - Anti-hypertensive
Number of sites 21
Countries involved Sweden
Sample size 720
Type of statistical analyses
Risk of bias Overall: Low Risk details
Duration of trial
Primary outcome Death from any cause, non-fatal MI and non-fatal stroke
Show Score Ranges


(shows median if more than one score was entered)

Elig. Recr. Setting Org. Int. Flex. Del. Flex. Adherence Follow-Up Prim. Out. Prim. An.
4 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 5