

Cochrane systematic review for first line treatment for hypertension

Journal Ref. Perry HM, Jr., Smith WM, McDonald RH, Black D, Cutler JA, Furberg CD, Greenlick MR, Kuller LH, Schnaper HW, Schoenberger JA, et al.: Morbidity and mortality in the Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program (SHEP) pilot study. Stroke 1989, 20:4-13.
Intervention Drug - Anti-hypertensive
Number of sites 20
Countries involved Scotland, England and northern Ireland
Sample size 1148
Type of statistical analyses
Risk of bias Overall: Unclear details
Duration of trial
Primary outcome mortality
Show Score Ranges


(shows median if more than one score was entered)

Elig. Recr. Setting Org. Int. Flex. Del. Flex. Adherence Follow-Up Prim. Out. Prim. An.
1 2 3 2 2 5 1 1 5